How to Choose the Right LLM Model for Your Organization: A Comprehensive Guide

Fluid AI
3 min readNov 23, 2023


Every Organisation wants to crack this AI game and be at the forefront of it and why would they not want that? Its trending and has immense potential to turn the tables round. We all know Large Language Models (LLMs) have emerged as a game-changer, fundamentally transforming the way we gather and analyze data and as we discussed right LLM can empower any organization to make better decisions, develop more effective strategies, and stay ahead of the competition in turn helping them earn more profits. This blog post aims to provide a comprehensive guide on choosing the right LLM for your organization, enriched with well-researched information, relevant figures, and real-world case studies.


Understanding the Impact of LLMs on Organizations

Now when you research on Google, it always gives you the same legacy answers that they can be used for content creation and other not so exciting stuff we all know about however in reality, The use of LLMs goes beyond just dealing with customer complaints or content generation. They have been applied to cybersecurity, bringing even better contextualization for threat detection and response. If we talk about some numbers, the generative AI market, driven by innovations in LLMs, is projected to grow at a CAGR of 35.6% between 2023 and 2028. Like how crazy?

The Cost of Implementing LLMs in Organizations

One of the key factors when choosing the right solution for your business is the cost of integrating LLM applications. We believe the cost of implementing an LLM can be broken down into three parts:

  1. Cost of Project Setup and Inference: This includes the expenses associated with storing the model and making predictions for query requests.
  2. Cost of Maintenance: When the model’s performance decreases due to changes in data distribution, it becomes necessary to fine-tune your model using new customer datasets.
  3. Other Associated Costs: These could include costs related to compliance, security, and other organizational needs.

If we talk using numbers, using a customized version of OpenAI’s language model is ten times more expensive than using the standard one. The cost for using the GPT-4 8K context model API is $0.03 per 1,000 tokens for input and $0.06 per 1,000 tokens for output. While for the 32K context model, the cost is $0.06 per 1,000 tokens for input and $0.12 per 1,000 tokens for output.

Comparison of Different LLM Models

Here is a comparison table with the latest models:

Comparison of Different LLM Models and whats best for your organization
Source: FluidAI

Case Studies

Organizations have been researching on what's the best possible balance for them but some organizations have cracked their formula and this section is about that and how it impacted everything.

Case Study 1: E-commerce Company

An e-commerce company needed a model to improve its customer service chatbot. They chose a customizable LLM that could be trained on their customer service data. The result was a 30% reduction in customer service response times and a 20% increase in customer satisfaction.

Case Study 2: News Organization

A news organization wanted to automate some of its content generation. They chose a high-performance LLM known for its fluency and accuracy. The organization was able to increase its content output by 50% without compromising on quality.


Choosing the right LLM for your organization is a complex task that requires careful consideration of your specific needs and the capabilities of different models. However, with careful research and planning, you can find a model that significantly enhances your business operations, though tt can be challenging sometimes to find the right balance and that’s where you can take an experts opinion from top leaders in this space like Fluid AI. Remember, the right LLM can provide a significant competitive advantage, so it’s worth investing the time and resources to make the right choice.

At Fluid AI, we stand at the forefront of this AI revolution, helping organizations kickstart their AI journey. Book your free demo call with us today. Let’s connect and explore the possibilities to unlock the full potential of Secure & Enterprise-grade Gen AI Solution for your organization.



Fluid AI

Fluid AI provides Enterprise wide GPT assistant powering organizations across the globe with wide-range usecases with potential to revolutionize several aspects